1. Start writing a post as you normally would, letting people know which OLLI at UNT
activity you're getting ready to participate in. Don't hit the share button yet!

2. Below the post you just wrote, look for the "Check In" option and then click it.
- If you don't see the Check In option, you may need to click the three dots on the
right side of the "Create Post" window to expand your options (as shown in the image

3. You will be prompted to start typing in a location. Type "Osher Lifelong Learning
Institute at the University of North Texas."
- As you start typing, you will see suggested locations come up on your screen. If you've
checked in to OLLI at UNT before, you may be able to click our logo to add our location
to your post before you have to type out our entire name.

4. You should now see our Scripture Street location pop up at the bottom of your post.
- Facebook currently doesn't allow us to associate all of our satellite locations with
our page, but please go ahead and check in even if you're attending one of our courses
or events at a different location. When your Facebook friends see your post, they'll
be able to click our logo or name and go directly to our page to learn more about
our program!

5. Now hit that "Share" button and let your friends know what a great time you're
having at OLLI at UNT!